Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Since promising Mr. Bargainista that I'd go backpacking with him this spring, he's been on the hunt for proper gear for me. I told him to be especially selective and well, cheap, since this trip may be my first and last time. I love the outdoors, but I don't get dirty and enjoy regular showers. My kind of camping is when you back the SUV up to the campsite and there is a bathhouse that has running water within walking distance. His idea is putting everything you need on your back and hiking out in the woods for five miles to pitch a tent. I digress.

Mr. Bargainista found me a great backpack on ebay for only $20 (plus shipping I think). It's not an easy task to find a backpack to fit my petite and curvy frame correctly, but this one should do the trick. I also love the super 1990's colors. Radical dude!

I'll keep you posted as he's on the prowl for a sleeping bag (mine's an old clunky one, see above about camping differences) and hiking boots (apparently my running shoes will not suffice for this trip).

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