After plenty of search and debate Mr. Bargainista was faced with the face that i simply cannot make decisions and the idea was put on hold.
Our favorites until that point were the Nantucket from World Market (the original dish that started the debate), Emma from Pottery Barn, Buffalo China from Williams-Sonoma, and Everyday White from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Until (oh until!) my darling Bargainista Friend S found the most perfect dish ever at the Pottery Barn Outlet. It is a version of the Emma dish, only made for the outlet. I've decided to call it Ella. Ella was a true white, unlike Emma's creamy color which was the great cause for debate over it. It was also less expensive than Emma. Oh, and it was also discounted 40%. And oh my goodness as if it couldn't get any better she had a coupon and the total price for 12 place settings including 2 serving bowls was only $140!
For that price I've decided I'll probably need extra place settings, you know, for back-up. But shhh!, don't tell Mr. Bargainista!
Here they are, feel free to drool on them, I have a napkin.